

So, what is a coach?


First, it’s important to know what a coach is not:

A coach is NOT a counselor; a counselor focuses more on the past and requires special training.

A coach is NOT a trainer; trainers teach “how to” do something.

A coach is NOT a mentor; mentors have been there and done that! They are experts who share their knowledge with a mentee.

Many people use the terms counselor, trainer, mentor interchangeably but that is not correct, these are different disciplines and require different knowledge, training, and experience.

Based on the definition taken from: Gary R. Collins, book, “Christian Coaching: Helping Others Turn Potential into Reality” Coaching is a positive, future-oriented form of psychology which focuses on finding fulfillment, enhanced performance, team building, vision casting, career growth, and reaching one’s goals and dreams.

Coaching enables people to set and reach goals while focusing on the present and the future, possibilities, getting unstuck and turning dreams into realities. In coaching sessions, the coach and the client are coequals who work together to bring about change. The best coaching is typically done by people who are trained in coaching skills, such as listening, asking powerful questions, and encouraging.


Who needs a coach? Everyone!


A coach can help anyone who is:

  • Stuck and not living up to their potential
  • Need help building their vision
  • Need help working through their goals
  • Need help and accountability with personal development
  • Need help and accountability planning for the future


Coaches differ in training and in the quality of the services they offer.


Who is a Destiny Dreamer?


Who is a Destiny Dreamer? A Destiny Dreamer is someone who has seen some of life’s up and downs but continue to focus on their destiny, they know that the best is yet to come and no problem, no circumstance or situation can stop them from reaching their destiny.

They know that with faith, focus, perseverance, resilience and a vision, nothing and no one can keep them down.

They take 100% responsibility for themselves and they don’t make excuses.

Through the Destiny Dreamer Coaching Programs, I coach professional women to move forward, develop and cultivate the skills of a Destiny Dreamer.