One on One Coaching


One on One Coaching

One on one coaching is when a person works individually with a coach on their particular areas of need. They learn to recognize their strengths and weaknesses and develop goals and plans to reach their full potential.  One-to-one coaching takes place in a private setting, either in person, by telephone, Skype, audio or video. One-on-one coaching sessions are opportunities for you to share your ideas or frustration in a safe place.

The frequency and duration of one-on-one coaching sessions are one hour per session for a minimum of two sessions, the exact number of sessions you’ll want is dependent on you and your situation. The frequency recommended is every two weeks while doing one on one coaching.

Dream again,

Take your dream and make it a reality

Dreaming is good but it’s not enough…

It’s time to take your dream and make it a reality

It’s never too late to dream

It’s time to put your dream into action

A dream without an action plan is doomed to failure

How many excuses stand between you and your dream?

Isn’t it time to stop dreaming and start doing?


You can invest in your future with a One on One Coaching session (per hour) or have a One on One program specifically designed for you. For a coaching consultation to determine your need, set up a thirty minute free initial consultation.